A better future is possible if we treat others and the planet as we’d wish to be treated.

  • Reboot the Future's mission is to foster a new world where we treat others and the planet as we’d wish to be treated.

    If followed, this simple guiding principle, known as the Golden Rule, has the power to transform our world into a more compassionate and sustainable one. It is the golden thread that runs through everything we do, from the experiences we create to the connections we build.

    What we do

  • Reboot the Future's work has four pillars at its core, each of them reminding us how to treat others and the planet as we'd wish to be treated. They are Balance, Compassion, Learning and Action.

    Find out more

  • Reboot the Future was founded by Kim Polman, who leads by example to create a bright and empathetic team working together to bring our mission to life.

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Get involved

  • Explore Our Services

    Tell us about your needs, challenges, and aspirations. 

    Together, we’ll find the right solutions to create a meaningful impact—for your team, your organisation, and the world.

  • Make an impact

    We are all connected, and the more we connect, the stronger we become to create change. 

    We all have the power to reboot the future.