Rebooting Education
An open conversation to capture what we learned about education during the pandemic, and to explore a new vision of education.
The COVID-19 pandemic, along with escalating climate breakdown, and global Fridays for Future and Black Lives Matter activism, are all challenging education as we know it.
For many, whilst the lockdown experience has given us a new appreciation for teachers, it has also given us time to rethink priorities, to reflect on the values which lie at the heart of education, and our hopes for future generations. The crisis has also reinforced what we already knew but sorely needed reminding of: our fundamental connection to each other and the planet.
We launched #RebootingEducation, an open conversation to capture what we have learned about education during the pandemic, and to explore a new vision of education, one that nurtures our ability to connect with each other and the rich eco-systems that support us, or what we call, the Golden Rule: Treat others and the planet as you would wish to be treated.
Through a live-streamed discussion, interviews and surveys, we engaged hundreds of educators, businesses, the public, and a selection of global thought-leaders.
What emerged is a set of themes that will underpin a series actions, activities and resources through our teacher platform, Global Dimension, and we hope will offer ideas to other organisations who are also thinking about how to reboot the future through education.
- Values: There is a huge disconnect between the values people think will best equip young people for the future and the values promoted by the current education system.
- Connection: Education needs to nurture stronger connections to ourselves, each other and the planet. This was expressed in different ways including the Golden Rule, ‘Triple Care’, and notions of reciprocity, care and empathy.
- Learners' voice: We need to listen to learners’ voices much more than we are currently doing, and to co-design the evolution of learning with them to effect achieve meaningful change.
- Global learning: Global learning and compassionate values are the foundations out of which social and environmental engagement grows.